Enlarge penis with sparkling water: recipes and reviews

There are many techniques for penis enlargement using baking soda. Consider the most effective of them all.


Using massage or compresses alone will not produce positive results anytime soon. Requires additional oral administration with dietary supplements.

Sparkling water is NaHCO3, which is safe for humans in small amounts. If men have been diagnosed with stomach problems, it is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

For internal use, mix a quarter teaspoon of the food supplement in a glass of water and drink it in small sips.

Expert Opinion

Be careful!

Monitor the condition carefully and refuse penis enlargement if pain occurs. If no pain is noticed, gradually increase the dose to 1 tablespoon per glass of water.

Drink the solution once a day at lunch. It is recommended not to drink the soda mix on an empty stomach, but not on a full stomach - it won't have any effect.

effect on potency

Soda is not an aphrodisiac. This substance does not directly affect the sexual organs or the production of sex hormones, but indirectly affects the prolongation of erections and the increase in libido. Baking soda is a potent co-stimulant whose action is designed to cleanse the body and improve blood flow.

Erectile dysfunction and body acidification are related and are the result of:

  • Passive lifestyle (lack of oxygen exchange);
  • drinking, smoking;
  • Predominant in diets of fat, fried, meat products and muffins.

The increased acidity of biological fluids is responsible for the malnutrition of organs and tissues and the reduction of metabolic processes. The body uses potassium, sodium, magnesium, and calcium to neutralize acids. As a result, the forming element is deficient, leading to dangerous consequences:

  • Urinary tract disease (urolithiasis);
  • weakened bones (uric acid);
  • obesity (slow metabolism);
  • tumor (activation of tumorigenesis);
  • diabetes;
  • Cardiovascular pathology (hypoxia). The change in blood acidity from 7. 43 to 7. 33 has resulted in an 8-fold reduction in the amount of oxygen carried;
  • decrease in immunity.

There is no direct link between soda and potency, but alkalizing action contributes to the normalization of urogenital function. Increased acidity can cause the development of prostate adenoma or its inflammation (prostatitis) due to congestion. Poor vascular work caused by hypoxia directly affects the quality of erection and sexual life. Baking soda has a positive effect on potency, stopping the infection process that occurs actively in acidic environments.

popular method

There are several ways to use baking soda to enlarge your penis. Each of them has its own contraindications.

Therefore, after studying the nature of the method, pay attention to its characteristics.

Ingestion of soda

Baking soda is usually taken orally as an adjunct to other methods. Its healing properties have been known since ancient times. The benefit is that it is able to have beneficial effects on all internal systems and organs. Some useful properties:

  • start the metabolic process;
  • return to normal weight;
  • Increase sperm motility and motility;

Sometimes due to various diseases, the length of the penis is not fully disclosed. Soda water can remove toxins from the body that cause such diseases.

It is recommended to take half a teaspoon of baking soda morning and evening after meals. Gradually, you will need to increase the dose, the maximum will be - 1 tablespoon.

If there are other use cases. Dilute a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of cold water. It should be taken in the morning before meals.

To enhance the effect, you can buy special creams, capsules or sprays at the pharmacy. They increase blood flow in the penis and strengthen erections.

soda recipes for penis enlargement

alkaline bath

One of the most effective folk recipes is steaming a penis in a bathtub. To prepare the solution, you will need to dissolve 1 tablespoon of baking soda in one liter of hot water. Then place the penis in the bowl with the mixture and wait 20 minutes. Rinse the penis with water to remove the baking soda particles.

soda for penis enlargement

compress with soda to increase penis size

How to enlarge penis? Before performing such a procedure, you need to prepare a special solution. Add three tablespoons of soda to a glass of water at room temperature. There are also drops of essential oils here, three drops of cardamom and cypress. They can be purchased at any pharmacy. The fragrance of the solution helps to relax. This method is used at bedtime, as rest after bed is recommended.

A gauze or rag is moistened in the resulting mixture and wrapped around the penis. It should completely cover the penis. If possible, repeat the process daily for a month. You will only see results after 30 days.

Massage your penis with soda water

Massage is a great way to enlarge your penis

It's important to do this correctly by following all the rules. For greater sparkling effect and softening effect, you need to add natural honey to it.

You need to mix a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of baking soda. Then apply the mixture to the penis in circular motions, massaging slowly.

Additional Information! This method works not only for adult men, but also for adolescent boys. Because he has no contraindications.

You need to repeat the process three times a day. Some people are especially sensitive to honey. In this case, you can use olive oil instead. It nourishes the organ tissues and makes the penis more elastic and elastic.

soda mint cream

Often, to increase penis size at home, they combine peppermint balm with soda water to treat colds. However, this ingredient needs to be very small.

To prepare the mixture, you'll need to mix a teaspoon of soda water, a tablespoon of clean cold water, and an asterisk on the tip of a knife. After preparation according to the formula, the composition is applied to the genitals and left for 10 minutes.

Soda Star Lip Balm

vacuum massage

It is carried out by using a cylindrical vacuum pump. The soda has to be applied to the penis and then put on the pump on the genitals. The air inside is drawn out and the pump has to be lowered after a few minutes. This method will improve blood circulation in the penis.

The downside is that this method can only be used once or twice a week. So you can combine it with massage.


Soda as a medicine will help, subject to admission rules. For oral administration, concentrated solutions are not immediately available. This will be seen by the body as an irritant.

People with the following medical conditions should not use soda:

  • diabetes;
  • Very high or very low stomach acidity;
  • Oncology stage 3;
  • personal intolerance;
  • gastric ulcer;
  • Bulimia (overeating).

Contraindications to bathing are violations of the integrity of the skin (wounds, scratches).

Stop consuming soda when you experience discomfort (edema, nausea, anemia, weakness, diarrhea, bloating, increased pressure).

It is advisable to use soda after the doctor's approval. Some experts have dismissed this alternative medicine approach, finding no evidence that oral sodas have an effect on the body's overall acid-base balance. But doctors have justified this approach.

You should check the pH of your urine and saliva before taking it. This can be done using test strips sold at drugstores. If the acidity is normal, then the violation of potency has nothing to do with the acid-base balance, the use of sparkling water will not bring any benefit, and harm in the form of mucosal ulcers, hypernatremia is very likely.

drink soda in it to enlarge penis

Many men who have tried sparkling water therapy are satisfied with the results. For some people, long-term use of the solution can help relieve the discomfort of chronic prostatitis and normalize body temperature. Many have left positive feedback on the effects of the bath, noting an increase in potency and a slight increase in penis size.

Treatment with sparkling water is an auxiliary element in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. If the male stamina has dropped slightly and there are no other symptoms (abdominal pain, secretions, blood in the urine, mucus), then you can take this remedies as a general health remedies, focusing on the acidity and health of your body.

Useful Supplements and Herbs

Among the vast array of dietary supplements, there are different ones—boosting potency, increasing libido, prolonging sexual intercourse, and preventing premature ejaculation. The list of dietary supplements to increase masculinity is impressive.

However, there is no need to buy expensive supplements. Dietary supplements consist of herbal ingredients and are available individually in pharmacies or marketplaces from trusted sellers. You can increase the membership of folk remedies in a cheaper and equally effective way.

  1. Chili peppers are a treasure trove of vitamins and capsaicin. One of the actions - dilates blood vessels, promoting blood filling of the corpus cavernosum.
  2. Damiana is a massive Turner. An aphrodisiac rich in essential oils. Kidney and liver disease, hypertension and atherosclerosis, carbohydrate metabolism disorders should be used with caution.
  3. Ginseng - useful properties should not be underestimated, it is not for nothing that it is called the "root of life". This adaptogen is contraindicated in hypertensive patients, acute infections, and drinkers.
  4. Oatmeal - rich in vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, essential oils. Wild oat tincture prolongs intercourse. Contraindicated for heart and liver failure, gallstones, increased gastric acid.
  5. Bear bile contains zinc and increases testosterone production, and musk deer musk enhances potency.
  6. Amur velvet is used in folk medicine to boost the immune system and potency.
  7. Ginger is more than just a cold remedy. Increases testosterone, blood circulation - great for potency. Add grated ginger and lemon or honey to the tea.

The effects of folk remedies are aimed at improving blood circulation, not increasing volume. However, combined with special exercises, they add a few millimeters, enhancing the overall effect.

folk remedies for penis enlargement

Which dietary supplements are recommended by NUPers:

  • Spirulina - drink at night. Increase sperm production, providing "morning";
  • Royal Jelly - Tones do not increase stress. slightly increases the circumference of the penis;
  • Wheat germ oil. The tool adds strength after intercourse, but does not enhance erections;
  • vitamin E;
  • Sabal palm fruit in different forms. Increase libido, strengthen LMB muscles;
  • Noticed that chili peppers enhanced the effect of another drug;
  • Extract of chestnut fruit. It does not affect organ growth in any way, but prevents blood clots during LLP exercises;
  • Zinc is a must!

These dietary supplements are recommended to be consumed during a series of exercises to increase penis size.

Other Penis Enlargement Methods

There are other folk methods that can help increase penis size.

bee venom

This method is very painful and unpleasant, but very effective. To do this, you will need live bees. For the first procedure, you need to grow 1 bee in the bag and put the penis in it. After an insect bite, it is necessary to pull out its spines. Gradually, the number of bees can be increased, but it is worth considering no more than 10.

Such meetings should be held several times a week. The total duration of the course is 6-8 weeks. In this way, you can extend your penis by 2-4 cm.

psychological method

The significance of this method is that every day before going to bed, you need to imagine that your sexual organs have become longer. You need to imagine it in a few minutes. Such thinking will help start the production of the hormones responsible for the growth of that organ.


Traditional healers believe that men have special acupuncture points, and exposure to these points can make the penis grow faster. However, this theory is poorly understood and not fully tested.


To prepare a penis-enlarged infusion, you need to take a whole ginseng root and place it in a bulk container into which 4 liters of vodka is poured. Drinks should be left for half a day. Infusion 3 times a day, 50 mg each time.

Ginseng root for penis enlargement

Popular ways to increase penis

To increase the size of your penis, you can use the following methods:

  1. Use a vacuum pump - place the flask over the genitals, where a low pressure is created. Using this method regularly for a year, you can get noticeable results, but your erections can be significantly reduced.
  2. Stretching with Weights - A weight is attached to the penis and left for several hours. In this case, the length of the penis will increase, but the thickness will decrease. Also, if the penis is not hung properly, the penis can become deformed and its sensitivity can be compromised.
  3. Surgery is an effective way to enlarge the penis, but it can leave unsightly scars on the penis after surgery, plus, if the surgery isn’t successful, the man may forget about an erection forever.
  4. Medications are temporary measures, they contain vitamin complexes that increase blood supply, but it is not possible to enlarge the penis in this way for a long time.
  5. Physical Exercise - They are also designed to increase blood flow to the genitals, but to maintain the effect, constant training is required.
  6. Traditional medicine - herbs in combination or individually, everyone can find a remedy individually.

Use contraindications

Like popular drugs, sodium bicarbonate has some contraindications, however, they are available in fewer numbers than pharmacy options for added potency, but you must be familiar with the list.

Therefore, do not try sodium bicarbonate if:

  • have a personal intolerance to any of the products listed in the recipe,
  • Ulcers form in the digestive tract,
  • have diabetes,
  • Low acidity in the gastrointestinal tract.

Who Banned Soda Disposal

It happened that the treatment with sodium bicarbonate started well, but then something went wrong, namely:

  • swollen penis,
  • burns
  • feel itchy,
  • desquamation observed
  • Head feels blurry,
  • stimulating
  • Disrupting the microbial community,
  • Feeling overly dry.

In this case, the further use of sodium bicarbonate is also prohibited, at least until the doctor is seen, the doctor will decide how to proceed.

Romance and Passion in Love

Can it be increased with soda water?

Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda is a unique, non-toxic, yet very useful and effective substance that is well known. Sparkling water is used in almost all areas of life, including for therapeutic purposes.

In general, sparkling water can be used to improve men's health because it does a wide variety of:

  1. Eliminate pathogenic microorganisms and clean the genitals;
  2. Stimulates the production of testosterone;
  3. remove toxins from the body;
  4. It has a positive effect on the initial symptoms of prostatitis;
  5. Eliminate inflammatory processes.

To answer this question - whether it is possible to affect the size of the penis with the help of soda water therapy, it is necessary to analyze the main property of sodium bicarbonate - activation of blood circulation. When soda is ingested, the blood thinning process begins in the body, blood vessels dilate, and as a result, blood flow normalizes. Soda has no direct effect on penis enlargement. It works by activating blood flow to the pelvic organs.

The use of soda in the form of compresses and baths, that is, locally stimulates a strong blood flow to the organs, so the corpora cavernosa expands, erections become long and full, and the sexual organs enlarge.

Some men's penis in the erect state is less than 10 cm. In such a pathological state, the use of soda water is ineffective, and the problem can only be solved through medical intervention.

Ways to Use Baking Soda to Increase Potency

How to use sparkling water to increase potency? Useful Properties of Baking Soda Application and Potency Treatment for:

  • for oral use;
  • bath preparation;
  • Set up the microperfusate.

It is through this effect that sparkling water is used to increase potency in men. Usually, the treatment of impotence with soda and erectile dysfunction is very long, 1 to 3 months. You should consult a specialist before starting your treatment with baking soda.

soda water

How can I increase the potency of baking soda and use it in the bath? Sparkling waters that increase male potency are used to prepare sitz baths and baths. This method of using sodium bicarbonate is considered to be the most effective because sparkling water is effective in reducing inflammation, has antiseptic and disinfecting properties, initiates regeneration processes, activates lymphatic flow, blood flow and metabolism, helps eliminate muscle and nerve tension, and eliminate toxins. How can I use a soda-based tub to increase potency? To prepare for a bath, dissolve 250 grams of baking soda in 1. 5 liters of boiling water. Add the resulting solution to clean warm bath water. The water temperature should be comfortable (38-40°C). Take a bath for 20-30 minutes. After surgery, for best results, a contrast shower is necessary.

Micro irrigation

How can I increase the potency of sparkling water to make therapeutic microenemas? Micro-enema based on sodium bicarbonate helps to normalize the digestive process, removes toxins and toxins from the body, starts intestinal peristalsis, fights constipation, hemorrhoidal diseases, inflammation of the mucous membranes, exhibits antibacterial properties, inhibits the growth of opportunistic floraSince digestive diseases, chronic constipation, malnutrition and intestinal inflammation can lead to prostatitis and erectile dysfunction in men, soda water micro-irrigation helps to normalize male reproductive system function and restore male strength.


There are several ways to increase penis size with baking soda. However, it is advisable to consult a qualified specialist before proceeding with any procedure.

Massage with sparkling water

This procedure is the most popular, but to achieve positive results, it must be performed correctly and systematically. Before going straight to the massage, you need to prepare the penis. To do this, you need to take a soft towel, wet it in warm water, and wrap it around your penis. After a few minutes, repeat the process 3-4 times.

You can choose any exercise, but it's worth considering that their goal should be to increase the penis. During the rest period between exercises, it is necessary to normalize the blood circulation in the organs, for which it is necessary to massage with light movements. A relaxing massage with sodium bicarbonate is recommended. To do this, you should collect a little soda in the palm of your hand and perform a light rubbing motion. After the massage, it takes 15-20 minutes. Lie down and try to relax.

soda water compression

This method is also widely used by men to enlarge the penis. To make a compress-friendly solution of sodium bicarbonate, pour 100 mg of warm water into a container, then pour 1 or 2 tablespoons of the substance into the container. all is well. Then you need to bring such a piece of gauze, so that you can completely wrap the entire penis. It moistens in the resulting mixture and wraps around the genitals. Remove the compress after a few minutes.

This compression should be done daily for 30 days. If programs execute irregularly, they are meaningless. If desired, a few drops of aromatic oils can be poured into the mixture, while male fragrances (cypress, cardamom, etc. ) must be used. This will make the man less stressed.

soda oil massage

To perform this procedure, you need to coat your genitals with any vegetable oil. Then, sodium bicarbonate must be applied to the entire length of the organ. Afterwards, you need to massage the penis along its entire length with light rubbing movements. You should not press hard as this can damage delicate skin. Massage should be done for 3-5 minutes.

soda water

For such a bath, you need to prepare a mixture of water and sodium bicarbonate (1 tablespoon for 1 liter of water). The water temperature should be between 38-41 degrees. Bath time is about 15 minutes.

Soda Honey Massage

To perform this procedure, you need to prepare a mixture of honey and soda. The two ingredients must be taken in equal proportions and mixed well with each other. The resulting mass is applied to the entire length of the organ, after which it must be massaged with light friction movements. The duration of this process is 3 to 4 minutes.

in conclusion

Sodium bicarbonate has many health benefits. One of these is the substance's ability to thin the blood. Experts believe that thinning the blood is all it takes when exercising to lengthen the reproductive organs.

Simple baking soda will thin the blood, which will allow it to penetrate more freely and in greater quantities into the genitals. Due to this effect, sodium bicarbonate can also affect penis lengthening. In addition, the substance prevents the formation of blood clots, which usually form during special exercises. But the blood thinning effect can only be achieved by taking soda in it.

If it is applied to the surface of the skin or bathed, local irritation will occur due to this procedure, which will lead to an increase in local blood flow. The penis is swollen and enlarged by 0. 2-0. 4 cm. However, this effect only lasted for about two hours before the penis size returned to normal.